
TV report for the science magazine nano on 3sat by Angelika Lizius

“Everyone is a color expert – we just don’t know about it”

says color researcher Prof. Axel Buether

Only one percent of color is consciously processed in the brain.

Blue relaxes 83 percent of people. Red makes you dynamic and self-confident, while white makes you childish. Nevertheless, the message of a color is not always clear – red stands for love and sensuality, but also for anger and aggression: “We have discovered that we have an extensive color language that was already present in humans long before we even had the language of words at our disposal,” explains the color researcher.

Colors influence our body language and facial expressions. People who wear blue are attracted to open spaces and have an open posture. They photograph upwards, showing the sky and the horizon. “Color affects our experience and behavior, and ultimately also changes how we encounter the world,” says Buether.

The color researchers conducted an experiment in which they asked 500 students how different colors affect them. They photographed and statistically analyzed their impressions.


Complete article: Knowledge magazine Nano 3Sat

13 colors – 500 researchers – 1,000,000 images (publication in preparation)

Research seminar, Department of Color Light Space, Prof. Dr. Axel Buether
Artistic and creative basics, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle