At the end of the permanent exhibition, the Grassimuseum für angewandte Kunst Leipzig invites its visitors to the Sensory Landscapes, an interactive 360° spatial installation. Interactive elements consisting of colors, shapes and sound encourage visitors to move around the computer-generated space in order to actively shape the spatial impression.
While visitors are previously confronted with a wealth of original objects and information in the three exhibition tours of the permanent exhibition “Art Nouveau to Contemporary”, here they can get involved in design processes with all their senses. Various scenarios – fed by characteristic design features from Art Nouveau to the present day – reflect what has just been experienced in the exhibition. The computer animations react directly to the movements in the room. By playing with shapes, colors and structures, the senses should focus on general, recurring design issues.
The project was created under the artistic direction of Axel Buether in collaboration with the Studio for Media Scenography and Time-based Media Schnelle Bunte Bilder and the creative agency intoligt.