The award ceremony took place on October 28 at 6 p.m. at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle in Volkspark. More than 400 guests from Germany and abroad were in attendance. The Board of the Deutsches Farbenzentrum e.V. and the entire jury would like to take this opportunity to thank the 120 or so educational institutions for their exciting entries.
Download laudatory speech Prof. Dr. Martin Oswald
Award winner:
1st prize: (prize money: 2000€)
Winfriedschule grammar school in Fulda.
Second prize: (prize money 750€ each)
Albrecht-Thaer-Gymnasium Hamburg
Arno Fuchs School, Berlin
Rosenstein daycare center, Baden Württemberg
3rd prize: prize money of €250 each
Freie Waldorfschule Dresden Grade 10
Levana School Eisleben, Saxony-Anhalt
Kitaproject Linnenkohl/Berberich , Berlin
The work of the following institutions was praised:
Daycare center Haus für Kinder am Hirzberg, Baden Württemberg
Erika Mann Primary School, Berlin
Kita Riesenkleinhaus, Saxony-Anhalt
Arlechino Theater at Steinweg Primary School, Brandenburg
Download Documentation_Miescherpreis2010_3x3_AxelBuether
Download 3x3_Miescherpreis__Flyer_web_310510
Download 3x3_Miescherpreis__Poster_A2_web_310510
In 2010, the award honored outstanding educational and practical achievements based on color as a key criterion. Submitted were: Teaching concepts and materials, documentation of courses, seminars, project weeks, etc. as well as artistic works created as part of courses. This resulted in an overview of works from the entire spectrum of color between art and science, from painting projects to graphics, sculpture, theater, architecture and scientific experiments.
Prof. Dr. Martin Oswald (Pedagogy, Weingarten University of Education), Chairman
Prof. Dr. Johannes Grebe-Ellis (Didactics of Physics, Leuphana University of Lüneburg)
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Merk (City Councillor Munich)
Prof. Dr. Birgit Eiglsperger (Pedagogy, University of Regensburg)
Prof. Axel Buether (Fundamentals of Color/Light/Space, Halle University of Art and Design)
Prof. Walch (Pedagogy, University of Art and Design Halle)
Susanne Wied (Member of the Board DFZ, Berlin)
Timo Rieke (Designer, Vienna)
The award winners and the best competition results were exhibited at the international symposium “Color in Education”, which took place from October 29-31, 2010 at the University of Art and Design Halle.