The white trouser suit worn by the Vice President-elect of the USA was a tribute to the suffragettes. But why did Margaret Thatcher always wear blue, and what does pink stand for? A little color theory.
Ever since Kamala Harris stepped onto the Wilmington stage Saturday night European time like a shining light, the fashion world has had a new favorite topic: the white suit. Never mind that it is extremely impractical to wear, because such a piece only looks good when the flowers are undirty – in other words, practically never. It’s a good thing that November is hardly the ideal period for an outfit that doesn’t correspond in any way to the seasonal need to snuggle up. None of this matters because of the enthusiasm for the radiantly beautiful Vice President of the next four years and her homage to the white-clad suffragettes.
Article by Anne Goebel
Read more in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (digital edition, free of charge)