Our perception of color is shaped by biological and cultural factors, which is why it is objective and communicable where it serves to communicate with nature and people. Colors are our window to the world – in harmony with all our senses, this window determines what we perceive of the world, what we react to and how we feel about it. But the power of color extends far beyond our species. Colors form the largest communication system on earth. Every color in nature has precisely definable biological functions.
Color is an atmospheric environmental factor that can make us tired, listless and ill or keep us awake, active and healthy. In the world’s largest study on the effects of colors on the well-being and health of patients and staff in intensive care medicine, my research team and I have discovered both frightening and encouraging facts. Atmospheres not only have an effect on people’s well-being and health, they also influence medication consumption and the level of illness among care staff.
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