The whole world is full of color. Colorful, bright, soft; pure, loud, cool; dull, rich, bright colors. There are explosions of color and “Fifty shades of grey”. We are surrounded by colors, and their effect on us is immediate. Colors tell us something, they attract us or repel us, they calm us or warn us. They are ambassadors of nature, just as we communicate through colors. As a communication tool, colors are not only very important, they are even vital. If they did not have this inscribed biological function and meaning, we would not even see them.
Talk WDR 5 Curiosity is enough – Talk time on October 28 from 11:05. The interview offers the opportunity for listener participation, so you can ask your questions during the live broadcast.
More about this in my book: The mysterious power of colors. How they influence our behavior and feelings. New publication by Dromer Knaur October 1, 2020