Systematic professional color design has a decisive influence on the aesthetic perception and emotional impact, the quality of experience and the utility value of architecture. The seminar creates an awareness of the importance and complexity of professional color design. The successful application of the knowledge and strategies outlined requires many years of experience, which can only be acquired on real projects.

Learning objectives

  • Know the evolutionary functions of color in the natural environment and be able to recognize its relevance for the design of the cultural environment
  • Know the state of research on color perception relevant to practice and be able to establish references to design practice
  • Know the effects of color on all other senses and be able to make application references
  • Knowing the language of colors and being able to recognize and analyze the effects of colors on people’s experience and behavior
  • Know the interactions of light and color and be able to establish application references
  • be able to analyze the effects of atmospheres and establish application references
  • Analyze and evaluate color strategies of modernity and be able to establish application references
  • Know and be able to apply steps for designing a professional color concept


Course content

Four half-day lectures with brainstorming, discussion and practical exercises

a) Function of color in nature and culture

b) Color perception, light and senses

c) Color language and color effects

d) Color strategies and application examples


Target group

Interested parties in the fields of architecture, interior design and creative crafts

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