Learning objectives

With the development of new visual presentation techniques and powerful communication media, the complexity of the content that can be conveyed is increasing. While the detailed drawing of visual facts has become less important, the demand for sketching techniques is increasing. Using quick, precise line, color and light sketches, we get to know the essential content, characteristics and action sequences of a situation.


The course begins with a walk through the city, during which 10-20 interesting situations are recorded in the sketchbook. The time for this is limited. In the first part, only monochrome and linear sketches will be made. The focus is on a point in the field of vision that is the center of attention. Everything else is faded out.
In the second stage of the exercise, the selected situations are materialized using polychromy. It is not painted, but sketched in color. Lines are replaced by flat brushstrokes. Surfaces, bodies, perspectives and materials are created using color surfaces. Particular attention is paid to the difference between the light and body colors.
In the third step, atmospheric sketches are developed that are composed of as few colored patches as possible. The representation of temporality is of particular importance here. Shadows, highlights, mirroring and reflections emphasize the atmospheric dimension of the observed spatial situations. The actual conditions of the environment take a back seat to the subjective experience of the moment. The atmospheric sketch lives from the viewer’s imagination and his response to the presence of the phenomena of color, light and space.

Course duration

2 courses with 4 seminar days and 8 working days each

More on methods and didactics in the publication “Grundlagen der kreativen Gestaltung” (in preparation, please send reservations to mail@axelbuether.de)