Learning objectives

Examination of the narrative representation and emotional expression potential of the human body using the possibilities of modern dance.
Learning about and exploring new innovative media technologies and programs that can now be downloaded freely from the Internet. Exploration of the design potential of video programs that allow moving bodies to be detached from the background in real time and inserted into existing film material. In this way, the viewer can enter the picture space for the first time and become part of the action!
The interaction possibilities between real space and film space are explored in interdisciplinary project work by designers and dancers. Learning takes place through a permanent change of perspective, equal dialog and trying out ideas together.


The dissolution of the relationship between viewer, body, time and space: with the help of dynamic camera work, image processing and the interactive isolation of individual image layers, the body is freed from the context of space and time.
Cultivating experimentation and improvisation: In a compact workshop, the course participants will go on a journey of discovery together with the dancers. While all the framework conditions for the experiment can be designed and implemented in a controlled manner in the studio, the urban space requires a high degree of improvisation.

Course duration

Intensive workshop with 5 seminar days in the dance studio + 2 working days preparing the public dance performance

Tanzstudio 103 Berlin Kreuzberg and Tanzstudio Bella Soso Halle (Saale)

Involvement in choreography:
Yvonne Lützkendorf


Writers: Diana Neumerkel and Valérie Vogt, dancers: Anastasia Wanke, Charlotte Suckow, Franziska Jakob, Marie-Luise Junghalm and Maximilian Dinnebier


Authors: Anna-Katharina Löhn, Isabelle-Franziska Löhn and Sabrina Krämer
Dance: Nele Wollert and Lambrini Litsa


Authors: Matthias Ritzmann, Burkhard Adam and Ingo Albrecht, Dance: Charlotte Suckow, Franziska, Jakob Marie-Luise Junghalm, Maximilian Dinnebier

More detailed descriptions of the teaching can be found in the book “Fundamentals of Creative Design”

(In preparation, please send reservations by e-mail to mail(at)axelbuether.de)