Water from the depths
The water crater leads into the world of underground water, the brine springs of the spa town. The uniqueness of the region is deliberately exaggerated in order to make the existing sources tangible and create a lasting memory. Visitors slowly approach the world of deep water and encounter the element in its various manifestations. You will experience the dormant power and the eruption of water from the depths of the space hidden more than 20 meters underground. The baroque-style water features offer a unique experience. Visitors descend 20 meters along the highest fountains in Europe to a bent fountain. Suddenly, in a fraction of a second, more than 6 tons of water burst up from the depths of the well structure and condense into 30m high fountains.


Water crater – interaction between visitors, building and media
The magical powers of water are part of a magical space that the visitor walks through in its vertical dimension. The water determines the action, lurking silently in the depths or bursting out of them with a deafening volume. The visitor reacts to the water, the water is controlled by the sound.


Medial space made of earth and stone, trees, steel, water, light and sound …
The water crater is located in the “Park of Underground Water” and thus occupies a central position within the garden show. In the partly flat, partly hilly landscape, it lies amidst the rock pear trees of the sunken garden. Over time, the building grows into the landscape, the materials age or grow themselves like the trees in the gardens and the moss on the gabbions.

Landscape construction and staging on the theme of “magical water”
with Agence Ter Paris, landscape architects