Young children make optimal use of the vivid learning potential of their brains because they see something special everywhere in their everyday lives. They are amazed, experiment with all their senses and ask curious questions. The question remains as to why we do not continue this efficient, illustrative learning methodology throughout the entire educational process.
We can develop our spatial-visual brain skills throughout our lives by systematically challenging our vision, visual imagination and representation skills. Knowledge of our brain’s knowledge structure determines the efficiency of any learning method.
By developing spatial-visual competence, we gain access to the unlimited visual knowledge archive of our natural and cultural environment. In almost all future-oriented fields of activity, basic skills and abilities for illustrative design and communication are required.
The development of spatial-visual skills therefore enables us to participate in modern societies. We are provided with a vivid tool for understanding and communication, as well as problem-solving and mediation, which optimally expands our verbal language skills and complements them in a meaningful way.
By developing spatial-visual skills, we also promote the development of our intelligence. To do this, we must learn to transfer the creative, analytical and practical strategies we have acquired to solving general problems.
The theory is based on the current state of research in neuroscience, the effects of brain damage and a comparison of the spatial perceptions of people born blind, blind and visually impaired.
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