A dark green wallpaper with yellow flowers or would you prefer texture with wood chips? For a long time, woodchip was stuck to the walls. But there are more and more rooms that don’t just wear traffic white.
Andy Warhol, David Bowie and Vivienne Westwood have one thing in common: they all designed wallpaper. Wall decoration is on the rise and adorns interiors. The tapes, as the blanket is called in Greek, were already hanging in the tents of the nomads of the Orient 1,000 years ago. Nobles traveled from castle to castle with their wall hangings, precious tapestries. Until technology makes wallpaper a mass product.
Depending on the color and design, wallpaper can either lift your spirits or hit you on the head. “We are all color experts,” says Axel Buether, Germany’s leading color researcher. In a few workshops, wallpapers are made by hand. Young artists focus on manual work. New fabrics and digital technologies are turning wallpaper into a medium with which we interact. The signs of the times point to a change of scenery. Curiosity Suffices stares at the walls.
Author: Claudia Friedrich, Blog zum Beitrag
Editor: Barbara Geschwinde
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