Classrooms conducive to learning
The Baden-Württemberg Vocational School Teachers’ Association (BLV), together with the Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e. V. (FGK) , invites you to the online event “Building the school of tomorrow today”. Scientists and experts will explain online on December 7 from 2 p.m. how acoustics, colors, light and room climate interact to create classrooms that are conducive to learning and thus to good teaching and learning.
The event will also provide an opportunity to find out what consequences structural deficits can have on health and performance. Participants can learn about options for improving and redesigning classrooms, find out more about the costs and benefits of the topics and discuss them with the following experts .
Thomas Waldhecker (BLV), Dr.-Ing. Claudia Kandzia (FGK), Dipl.-Päd. Holger Brokmann (Lernen statt Lärmen e. V.), Prof. Axel Buether (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) and Dr. Jürgen Waldorf (Managing Director Licht.de). The event will be moderated by Dipl.-Ing. Claus Händel (FGK).
The event is aimed at interested parties from the fields of schools, educational institutions, school authorities, local politics and building planning.
Information and the registration link can be found on the FGK website