What can buildings contribute to the healing process and where do we stand on this issue?
You are cordially invited to the Healing Architecture Symposium, where Danish and German experts will meet to present and discuss their ideas and experiences on existing and future hospital projects.
We look forward to an exchange on different approaches, new findings, challenges and possible solutions.
Together with the Danish Embassy, EY brings stakeholders who deal with hospital buildings from different perspectives into a joint exchange.
We will also be presenting the EY hospital study, which focuses on the question “What makes hospitals into healthcare buildings?”.
Last but not least, the Danish Embassy will be presenting its initiatives for exchange between Denmark and Germany in the healthcare sector.
Healing Architecture Agenda 31.05.2022
From 11:15 a.m.: Registration and light buffet
12:00 p.m.: Welcome:
- Susanne Hyldelund, Ambassador of the Kingdom of DenmarkStefan Majer
- City Councillor, Head of the Mobility and Health Department, Frankfurt/MainFrank Hermann
- Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Denmark in Hesse
12:15 p.m.: EY study – “What makes hospitals healthcare buildings?” Katrin Thies, Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH
Part 1: What role does Healing Architecture play today?
Moderation: Fabian Schuster, Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH
12:30 p.m.: “10 years of Healing Architecture in Germany” –
Prof. Christine Nickl-Weller, Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
12:45 p.m.: “User Inclusion in Designing and Planning, Copenhagen Centre for Cancer & Health” – Dr. Jette Vibe-Petersen, Denmark
13:00: “Planning of New North Zealand Hospital” – Mette Stokholm, Denmark
13:25: Moderated panel discussion
Stefan Egelhof, ADK Modulraum GmbHProf. Dr. med. Steffen Gramminger, Hessische Krankenhausgesellschaft e.V.Prof. Christine Nickl-Weller, Nickl & Partner Architekten AGMette Stokholm, New North Zealand Hospital, Denmark, Dr. Jette Vibe-Petersen, Denmark
14:10 hrs: Networking and coffee
Part 2: Outlook – How is Healing Architecture developing?
Moderation: Stefanie Matthys, ENAH European Network Architecture for Health
15:00: “Color, light and health” – Prof. Dr. Axel Buether, University of Wuppertal
15:15: “From Mean to Green” – Julian Weyer, C.F. Møller Architects, Denmark
15:35: Moderated panel discussion
- Prof. Dr. Axel Buether, University of Wuppertal
- Dr. med. Thomas Vraetz, University Medical Center Freiburg, New Pediatric Clinic
- Julian Weyer, C.F. Møller Architects, Denmark
- Petra Wörner, Architect BDA, wörner traxler richter planungsgesellschaft mbh
16:20: Wrap-up – Katrin Thies, Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH
The Danish-German hospital alliance – Olaf Meyer, Kgl. Danish Embassy
Networking and after-work beer until 5:30 pm