The whole world is full of color
Almost everyone can see more than 20 million shades of color, and with a little practice, many more. Our brain uses more than 60% of its resources to process the enormous flood of color information of up to 240 Mbit per second, which would fully utilize a modern broadband connection. Have you ever wondered why this is so, why we see our entire reality through colors and have been shaping it since the beginning of cultural history?
Colors serve to control behavior
Colors control our experience and behavior, because that is precisely their biological and cultural function. We don’t notice how strongly we are influenced by colors in everyday life because more than 99% of the messages and reactions remain unconscious. The world-famous psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung described colors as the “mother tongue of the subconscious”.
The power of colors
If you want to understand and shape the influence of colors on your life, you have to deal with their meanings and understand their effects in different situations. Those who find the right colors for the respective purpose feel better and live healthier, are more alert, more attentive and more efficient, think and learn with more concentration or calm down faster and fall asleep better, to name just a few effects. Color knowledge is power and a key to a more conscious and self-determined life.
Organizer TEDx Ehrenfeld
More information on this topic in my new book“The Mysterious Power of Colors“, Spiegel Bestseller 2020