Conference concept
It is undisputed that the influence of our built environment on our health is tangible and measurable. However, very few people are aware that the study of this interaction is called architectural psychology and how this discipline can be meaningfully and sustainably incorporated into the design of our environments. To change this, the Society for Architectural Psychology is hosting its first annual conference on April 24, 2021 in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich, the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Swiss technical school Haus der Farbe. Under the title Architectural Psychology – Definition and Existence in Science and Practice , we will examine the field in three areas:
What research results and methods are available in the field of architectural psychology? Which interesting fields of research need to be pursued in order to answer questions that are relevant to society and have a future?
What special features of the theory of science characterize the interdisciplinary discourse? What is the intention(s) behind this discourse? And what significance does architectural psychology have for the mediation of architecture?
At what stage of a planning phase is architectural psychology knowledge relevant and applicable? Who benefits from the practical application of architectural psychology and why: clients, architects, residents, buildings?
Registration on the homepage of the organizer Fachgesellschaft für Architekturpsychologie (FG-AP)