Color as an image matrix of our reality
Colors also determine the aesthetics of our own creations, the perception and effect of images, films, objects and buildings in our cultural space. Colors determine our perception of space and time and at the same time shape the everyday image of the reality of our lives. The eyes provide a colorful image matrix whose meaning and significance reflect the consequences of our experiences and actions in the past, present and future. Images are created by spreading, mixing and arranging colors, which is why we do not archive color spots or pixels in our memory, but rather meaningful image content and meaningful image compositions. This virtual world of images also functions in our imagination. As soon as we dream, think, design or plan, these become ideas that we can use to change the world. Finally, for the act of visual design and communication, we once again need color as the sensory medium and sensory material of our sketched, drawn, painted, printed, animated, depicted, embodied and spatialized images.
Time: May 10/11, 2019
Venue: Sammlung Farbenlehre: A-Wing, R. A017, Zellescher Weg 17, 01069 Dresden
Welcome to the opening of the Küppers Collection and the new rooms of the Color Theory Collection
Kisten Vincenz, Custody of the TU Dresden
Introduction to the 12th Dresden Color Forum
Ralf Weber, Chair of Interior Design & Color Theory Collection, Faculty of Architecture, TU Dresden
Collect color
Konrad Scheurmann, Historical Dye Collection, TU Dresden
Harald Küppers: Showing your colors (laudatory speech)
Karl Michael Meinecke, Büro M, Eltville, Augsburg – bvdm, Berlin
How much Küppers is (was) in the printing industry – ideas, concepts and contributions from a lateral thinker
Dr. Andreas Kraushaar, DFWG / Fogra, Aschheim near Munich
Contrast makes the medium
Johann Gielen, Lighting Designer, Hamburg
Presentation of the Küppers Collection
Thomas Kanthak, Chair of Interior Design & Color Theory Collection, Faculty of Architecture, TU Dresden
Küppers’ instruments in action
Harald Küppers, Langen
Reminiscences on the logic of color
Eckhard Bendin, private lecturer & founder of the Dresden Color Forums and the Color Theory Collection at the TU Dresden
Production and reproduction of color (image) documents – past and present
Horst Hartmann, Historical Dye Collection, TU Dresden
Modern forms of printing
Prof. Dörsam, Institute for Printing Machines and Printing Processes,
Darmstadt University of Technology
Color in communication
Axel Buether, Professor of Didactics of Visual Communication, Wuppertal University of Applied Sciences; Chairman of the Board of Deutsches Farbenzentrum e.V.
Free color?
Holger Everding, Freie Farbe e.V., Oldenburg
Color as a learning object in elementary school
Manuela Niethammer, Professor of Building Technology, Wood Technology and Color Technology and Interior Design / Vocational Didactics Tino Kühne, Professor of Educational Science with a focus on Primary School Education, TU Dresden
Treasures of the Color Theory Collection
Thomas Kanthak, Chair of Interior Design & Collection
Color Theory, Faculty of Architecture, TU Dresden
Link to the organizer’s website
Contact: Chair of Interior Design, Faculty of Architecture, TU Dresden
raumgestaltung@mailbox.tu-dresden.de – Tel. the collection 0351-463 35588